Fri, Aug 12
I woke up at 8:30 this morning, and I had a very good sleep. I brought my math to breakfast and had a good meal. We had a hike at 10:00, so I had to eat breakfast quickly. Once I was done with breakfast, we met our guide, who was really nice. We left driving in a really cool jeep thing, and it had no sides or roof. The ride over there was really cool, and we got to see a lot of cool animals. Once we got to the spot where we parked, we walked the rest of the way. We were going to a cave that had a lot of bones in it. When we got to the spot leading up to the cave, there were a lot of bones embedded in the rock. It was really interesting to go into the cave and find all of these bones laying around. KB got really scared because a bat flew past her. Once we were out we walked back to the jeep and got in. I got to sit in the front seat on the way back. When we got back we went rested, and then had violin lessons. After that, we went to dinner.
Sat, Aug 13
I woke up at 7:00 this morning because we had to go to a cave and we also need to eat breakfast, do math and practice the violin. I went to breakfast and had gluten-free flapjacks. When we were done with breakfast we went up to the parking lot and waited for our uber to take us to the caves. When we got there the caves were really cool. They found a lot of human bones there, so that is why it was famous. One of the main finds in the cave was a skeleton of a man named Little foot. He had fallen through a hole in the roof, and his whole skeleton was there. There was a museum after the cave thing that had really interesting information inside. There was one paragraph that said that all modern human DNA can be traced back to one woman from Africa. Thinking back to the apartheid of blacks from Africa. Knowing that the blacks and the whites were all from the same place is stunning. At the start of the museum, there was a ride where you went down a water river and looked at the scenes on the side. Once you got off the ride you turned left and went into a tunnel thing and it made you feel like you were spinning. The rest of the museum was words. Outside there was a kid’s cave. It was an actual cave that you went inside to scare your brother. I, Zeb, and KB all waited until mom and dad came and popped out of the cave and said hello. When we got to the parking lot, our driver picked us up and took us back to the hotel. There we had lunch and went back to chill in our rooms. Soon after we went to dinner. There had been a huge wildfire 2 miles away, and the smoke was very bad. It made me have really bad nose issues and it made me cough. I left dinner before it came and went to my room. My food was brought to my room and I ate it there. I went to bed soon after and fell asleep immediately.
Sun, Aug 14
We woke up at 6:00 the next morning to get ready to leave. Packing did not take long, because I did not have a lot of stuff about it. The bigs took the first baggage cart, and me and KB the next. When we got down to reception, we went to breakfast. I got flapjacks with a side of hash browns. It was a very good breakfast. We did another tour in the mountains, but this time we were mostly in the Jeep. It was extremely cold outside in the morning so our guide brought us blankets. First, he took us to a cave, which was used to get limestone. They took it from the stalactites by whacking them off the roof. I thought it was very sad to think that thousands of years of growing only to be knocked down to make concrete. Next, we went to a digging sight where some human remains were found. We saw lots of animals on our ride, including Zebras, Wilderbest, the Biggest antelope in the world, and ostrich. We went back to the hotel in the Jeep, and when we arrived at where we were to park the Jeep, we got out. There were monkeys trying to steal our things from the car. We had pre-ordered lunch so we had that before our long car trip. The car ride was 6 hours, so really long. We got all of our bags into a luggage car and headed up to the parking lot. Our bus was waiting there to get us. We all piled into the car and headed out.
I chose a seat that was all by itself, so I did not have to sit in a space with someone else. I settled in and started writing my blog. I had Emmy check it before I published it so I would not have any spelling mistakes. I did some wordscapes, which is a spelling game. I then looked out of the window and watched the sunset. We would arrive at about 7:30, my mom said. Later we stopped at a gas station but there was no Diesel, so we had to go to a different one. This time it was to actually fill up with gas. It is the law that you can’t have people in the car while you are filling up the gas tank, so we all had to get out. While our driver was filling up the tank we went to the restroom and got chocolate bars. When we got back in the car, we were about an hour away from Kruger, which was where we were staying.
When we arrived there it was 7:30, so about dinner time. We got to meet everyone and then had dinner. It was a tasty, creamy, gluten-free pasta. It was delicious. We were really tired from driving, so I went upstairs and got ready for bed. Once I had brushed my teeth and got my PJs on, I got into bed. Zeb came in soon after and also got ready for bed, when he had finished he turned off the lights and we went to bed.

Cannon Beach:

on the sidewalk of the Maropeng museum.